Photo wallpaper, canvas picture always on sale!
Wall murals for doors, premium canvas prints, screens, acrylic paintings, hand-painted pictures, scratch cards and painters are available in a wide range.


Wall murals can be ordered with gift wallpaper glue at a special price. Wall mural is a unique product. The design is the result of creative work in the graphics studio. We combine a special effect or interesting texture to create a fresh, modern experience. After applying the photo wallpaper, your apartment will look pleasantly original. Fleece wall murals are glossy, durable, water and scratch resistant. They are glued to the wall. The adhesive only needs to be applied to the wall, not the wallpaper, so it doesn’t stretch and the fit stays accurate. It can be pasted in all rooms, even in the bathroom or in the kitchen. The fleece wallpaper 100% covers the small irregularities of the wall. Read more…


The canvas prints available in the webshop are printed on eco-friendly materials with respect for the environment and placed on a 1.5 x 3 cm wooden frame. The pictures no longer have to be framed, but can be attached to the wall immediately upon receipt. The print of the image is UV-resistant, so the colors do not fade even when exposed to sunlight. Continue reading…


Acrylic prints can be elegant decorations of today’s fashionable homes, apartments and offices. Its sleek style fits well into the world of modern living spaces. Expected living spaces were taken into account in the graphic design. The visually clear effect of the acrylic material also determines the environment in which the image really “looks good”. Nowadays, more and more home decorators are looking for and using decorative pictures made of such materials. Read more…


Paint based on the numbers. Creative pastime. You can get a professional end result by painting the fields according to the instructions. The entire painting process is described step by step and illustrated with detailed pictures. The guide also briefly covers the different painting techniques. Read more…